I was thinking about this the other night while I was eating this incredibly good salmon dish out of one of my food bibles, the Dean and DeLuca Cookbook. You know how those of the Christian faith lean on their Holy bibles when they need solace and inspiration? They know when they read it that they will get the guidance they need. And I am all for it. To each his own. Especially since that is exactly how I feel when I read the DandD Cookbook. Its words never fail to provide comfort, and its pages are filled with wonderment that seems as if it was handed down from on high. Or at least from author David Rosengarten's pantry shelves. So it was with this recipe, where a simple fish, the ultimate symbol of Christianity, was led to its higher purpose when mixed with the parts of a cloven hoofed pig and other bits of God's great earth, ending up on my plate and leading me to sing its praises and proselytize to you, oh keepers of the faith, who only desireth to feed your constant hunger. So venture forth to your markets and commune with the shopkeeper, enter your kitchens as you would enter a place of worship, and take hold of your utensils with the two hands God has given you, and do good for yourselves and others! Amen.
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Broiled Salmon with Bacon, Wild Mushrooms, and Oyster Sauce
from David Rosengarten/Dean and DeLuca Cookbook
1-pound wild salmon fillet (you ARE buying wild salmon, not farm raised, right??-bb)
5 thin slices of smoky bacon (I used applewood smoked bacon from our local Zupan's. A bit thick but so good-bb)
1 cup very firmly packed, diced fresh shiitake mushrooms
1 teaspoon finely minced garlic
2 tablespoons minced fresh flat leaf parsley, plus whole parsley for garnish
2 tablespoons Chinese oyster sauce
Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

2-While the salmon is broiling, prepare the sauce: Cut the remaining two slices of bacon into small squares. Place in a heavy saute pan over high heat. Cook until medium-brown, about 2 minutes. Spill out all but 1 teaspoon of the bacon fat. Lower heat to medium-high. Add the shiitake mushrooms, stir well, and sauté until mushrooms become golden-brown, about 3 minutes. Turn heat down to medium, and stir in garlic and parsley. Cook for one minute. In a bowl, combine the oyster sauce with 1/4 cup of hot water. Blend, and add to sauté pan. Cook one minute and season with the nutmeg.
3- To serve, remove the wrapped bacon from the salmon (you may discard the bacon, or use it as a garnish). Delicately slice the salmon along the natural separations, and divide among 4 plates. Top each with a quarter of the sauce, and with a flat parsley leaf for garnish.
This recipe yields 4 first-course servings.
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one year ago today @ E.D.T.: meatloaf: tough photo but delicious results!
I love salmon, broiling salmon, and bacon just puts it over the top!! Lekker!
Fresh oysters and salmon two hours from Portland?! What's your source?
Chefbliss.....couldn't agree more. What doesn't bacon enhance?!
L- try Pacific Seafood over in Bay City for oysters and any number of docks along the coast for salmon!
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