There are some, I suppose, who would consider it embarrassing to have to have a babysitter as an adult. Normally I would be, too. I found myself in this post-post-adolescent predicament because w, while we were out to dinner with our friends Keith and Denise, mentioned that she was going away for the weekend. Denise immediately offered their services if I needed "babysitting" for a night. As I said, normally I would be somewhat offended to have someone think I couldn't take care of myself. But I also knew that if I played my helpless card right, I'd be in for an evening of amazing food and beverage, as Denise is an incredible cook and her man Keith not only makes one bad ass martini, but also makes the most perfect poached eggs on the planet (which were atop a beautiful salad), because according to new motto at the K/D house, "Everything is better with poached eggs"! What more could a lonely, needy, and hungrily conniving person want for an evening? So with that I showed up last Saturday night, and (over)indulged....yet again. Denise is endlessly curious and enthusiastic about food, and if you
click this link to her blog you can check out her recent trip to the south of France where she and her family ate their way through all that is decadently delicious about French cuisine. Mouth-watering, envy-inspiring reading. In any event, I, along with our friends Jill and John, were treated to some staggeringly good home cooked fabulousness. Being a natural cook (you know the type....one who doesn't make use of a whole lot of recipes and just
cooks) Denise, as always when I ask how she made something, goes "well, you put some of this in there, add, oh, some of that, and you'll know when it's done". Um, okay, a little more specific please? So she relented, and over the next three days I'll share three awesome recipes (if I can get her to give up the crème caramel how-to). Remember, this is cooking by feel, with suggested measurements, so don't be shy, just feel it!
The picture at the top is courtesy of Keith and his artistic eye that puts my lame efforts to shame. Thanks K!*** *** *** *** *** ***
We started with these set out on a plate, and given my love of all things tuberous named potato, I could've happily stuffed dozens in my mouth!
Deviled Truffle Potatoes...or faux deviled eggsfor 6
15-20 Small yellow creamers / yukon gold potatoes
Deviled mixture...can be any proportion or combo of the below; use whatever you have on hand and go by taste and texture
3-4 T finely minced shallot or mild onion
3-4 T green herb...I used chive but could be parsley, maybe even tarragon...
4 T (?) sour cream
1 T mayo
1 tsp mustard
1-2 T olive oil
2 T whipping cream to lighten up the gloop
Rock salt plus table salt
1 T truffle oil
Boil potatoes gently in heavily salted water until tender. Cool, cut in half and scoop out centers into a bowl. Smash up with a dash of salt, a dash of truffle oil, and the other deviled ingredients. If using whipping cream to lighten the mixture, add it towards the end.
Thinly coat a plate with truffle oil and a mixture of kosher and rock salts. Roll the potato bottoms in the oil and salt, stuff with deviled mixture, et voila.
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one year ago today @ E.D.T.: the perfect lazy Sunday with
Cinnamon French Toast!
yum, what a good idea for an appetizer!
Maggie....they are SO good.....like a form of appetizer crack!
this looks delicious!!
Mrs.B....that's only because it is!!
Can't wait to try it!
I can attest to the fact that Denise IS an amazing cook.
Former roomie
Cyndi....let me know what you think!
See Denise, people are coming out of the woodwork to give you love. Thanks Mary!
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