Are we there yet...hmm...apparently not........Sorry for the very abridged post today, but I am almost asleep right now. It's 10pm Shanghai time, meaning it's 7am, um, this morning I think, in my body's time. And sadly for me, I am one of those poor wretches who can't seem to sleep on the plane. Even w betrayed me by falling soundly asleep right next to me, her peaceful expression mocking my wakefulness.

But arrive we did, checked into our wonderful room at the almost new
Quintet B&B in the French Concession. A very cute place, ours is called the Grand Cathay room with its own sweet little balcony. Perfect for honeymoon, part deux. We checked in about 7pm, relaxed for a few minutes, then took a short stroll around the neighborhood, knowing we needed a bite, something to tide us over and take our minds of the culinary horrors perpetrated in the cattle car United Airlines cleverly disguised as a 747. Friendly skies, my ass. Anyway, we found this little hole-in-the-wall, called as best as I could tell "Open 24 Hours". I love spots like this. Six tables, kind of gritty, but the food on the other tables looked so good. Tried a few dishes washed down with a couple of refreshingly cold Tsingtaos. The most memorable parts were the cucumber and jellyfish salad (above left) that was bright and so fresh, the braised pork, and the two ashtrays filled to overflowing with cigarette butts by the guys at a nearby table. I guess when you live

in a city with a constant pall of brown sulfurous air, chain smoking cigarettes isn't your prime concern. The food was actually delicious. But for eight bucks total...that was three plates and two large beers...for two tired travelers, it was just right. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
Congrats on your arrival...can't wait to hear how it goes!
Nice! Enjoy the trip and post a picture of the most exotic street vendor item you come across--I'm curious!
Sarah- Coming up...Hong Kong...the godzilla of street food
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