Monday, January 14, 2008

Anthony Bourdain, he who eats bugs, gets tatted up with the locals, and becomes hammered on native hooch on his Travel Channel TV show 'No Reservations', is also one of the funniest fucking food writers on the planet. Check out his blog post from a week ago where he fires yet another salvo directly at his favorite target, the programming geniuses at the Food Network, zeroing in on their decision to start rerunning his old Food TV show 'A Cook's Tour'. One of his theories, among his other hilarious comments about said decision: "They're not putting the show back on because they like it. They're trying to destroy me!" I theorized. People will surely comment on the striking - even horrifying - decline in my appearance since those few years ago - and will wonder why they would still watch someone who is clearly dying of some hideous hair whitening, skin puffing, tropical bloating disease."
Check it out. You will be laughing your asses off!

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